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Regional difference of mould price and time difference

Edit:    Click: 892  Date: 2016-07-02
It should also be noted that the valuation of the mold and the price, in various enterprises, various regions, countries; in different environments, the connotation is different, there is a regional difference and time difference. Why the price difference, this is because: on the one hand mold conditions of different enterprises, different regions, countries are not the same, all aspects of the process equipment and technology, the personnel, the consumption level of different, different estimates produced by the mold cost and profit objectives, resulting in a poor price of different mold. Is generally more developed area, or high content of science and technology, equipment investment is more advanced, more standardized large-scale mold enterprises, their goal is quality and high prices, and in some of the lower level of consumption area or the technology content is low, less equipment investment of small and medium enterprises die, to estimate the relative price of the mold requirements are lower. On the other hand, there is still a time difference in the price of the mould. Different time required to produce different mold prices. This age difference has two aspects: first, a mold at different times have different prices; two is different mold manufacturing cycle, the price is also different.
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